Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Auto Insurance Quote Review

Have you thought about asking for a free auto insurance quote on the internet? Are you concerned because you may not know anything about the company providing the quote? Are you wondering how you can find out about the reputation of the company giving you a quote, especially when it comes to paying out claims?

This article will tell you how to find out about insurance companies: their financial stability and how many consumer complaints they receive, how to ask for a quote so you can compare apples to apples, and results of online quotes from eight known auto insurance companies.

How to find out the stability of an insurance company

The financial stability of a company is rated by A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's. These companies provide an independent opinion of an insurance companies ability to meet its ongoing policy and contract obligations. The A.M. Best rating is expressed as a letter grade from A++ (the highest) to D. It is recommended that you do not work with companies rating B or lower. The Standard & Poor's Ratings range from triple A (the highest) to CC. It is recommended that you do not work with companies rating lower than BBB.

How to find out individual policy holder satisfaction with an insurance company

Annually J.D. Power and Associates gathers data from policy holders nationwide regarding policy options, pricing, automated phone service and overall satisfaction, with the insurance company providing their insurance. The best rating is 5.

How to Find Out the Number of Consumer Complaints

The Department of Insurance for each state provides the general public with consumer complaint ratios. This ratio helps the consumer to identify the number of complaints per number of claims filed. A maximum of forty companies are compared. If more than forty insurance companies have complaints, only the forty companies with the most complaints will be compared. It is recommended that the complaint ratio be checked in three or more states to identify specific insurance company trends. A ratio of less than one hundred is better than average.

How to ask for a quote so you can compare apples to apples

A response to the following information must be decided before asking for an auto insurance quote:

    *Car make, model, year, current mileage
    *Deductible amount for collision, comprehension and liability
    *Coverage for medical
    *Purpose for using the car
    *Miles driven per year
    *Number of designated drivers
    *Drivers ages

What is the result of performing the above steps?

The Auto Insurance companies used for this Auto Insurance Quote Review are 21st Century, Allstate, Esurance, Geico, Nationwide, Safeco, The Hartford. These companies were selected based on longevity in the business and their familiarity to consumers throughout the United States. The stability, consumer overall satisfaction (Sat.), policy options (Opt.), price (of premium) and automated phone service rated as follows.

J.D. Power and Associates

Insurance Co. AMBest S&P Sat. Opt. Price Phone

21st Century A A 3 3 4 2
Allstate A+ AA- 3 3 3 3
Esurance A- n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Geico A++ 3As 3 4 4 3
Nationwide A+ A+ 3 3 2 3
Safeco A A- 3 2 2 3
The Hartford A AA- 3 3 4 3

The number of consumer complaints for these auto insurance companies rated as follows in the states of Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Texas and Kentucky.

The Complaint Ratio for Five States

Insurance Co. IL MN MO TX KY

21st Century n/a n/a n/a 199 n/a
Allstate 55 130 130 165 19
Esurance n/a 212 212 455 0
Geico 33 149 128 132 116
Nationwide n/a 76 76 131 0
Safeco 29 117 117 71 25
The Hartford 29 n/a 454 200 54

The Auto Insurance Quote Sample

The following information was used for all quotes:

    *2006 Toyota Camry 4dr v6 engine LE
    *50,000 miles
    *Driven under 9000 miles per year
    *Used for pleasure
    *$100 Deductible for comprehensive and collision
    *$250,000/$500,000 Liability & collision
    *$10,000 medical
    *One car and two drivers

Auto Insurance Quotes

The following six month policy quotes were received from each of the companies listed below:

Company Quote

21st Century $237.68
AllState $392.00
Esurance $343.00
Geico $260.10
Nationwide $415.40
Safeco $281.00
The Hartford $375.00

Ways To Lower The Premium

Most insurance companies will offer discounts for the following events:

   * Save driving record for 3 - 5 years
   * No minor infractions for 3 years
    *Anti lock devices installed in your vehicle
   * No DUI for the last 3 - 5 years
   * License not suspended for the past 3 years
    *Good credit rating
    *Car owned rather than leased or financed
    *A second vehicle is also insured
    *Other types of insurance is also purchased from them

High risk drivers can expect to have a higher premium. Not all insurance companies will insure them. In addition when a high risk driver has an accident, the insured can expect difficulty when attempting to get the vehicle repaired using car manufactured parts. Generally auto insurance companies will pay only for the cheapest parts available.

Some insurance companies offer a lower premium for the first year as an enticement to encourage you to get your auto insurance coverage through them. So always ask about the second year premium price.

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

avoid rental car insurance fees

avoid rental car insurance fees
How to avoid rental car insurance fees :  It makes me crazy whenever I rent a car, and the agent highly recommends I get the "collision damage waiver," or CDW. They tell me it's $15 to $25 per day.

With rates like that every day, they must think I'm a drunk who always drives on the wrong side of the road. Have they even checked my driving record? So, I never get it. Why? Because my insurance agent told me I'm already covered, and many of us are. Besides, I rent the car using a credit card, which also provides rental car insurance.

Is that extra fee sometimes recommended by rental car agents really necessary?

Typical Coverage*
ItemRental InsurancePersonal InsuranceCredit Card
Damage to rental car Yes Yes Yes
Damage to other cars No Yes Possibly
Damage to property No Yes Yes
Damage to people No Yes Possibly
Deductible No Yes Yes
Theft No Yes Yes

A little pre-planning with your insurance agent can get you to say what I say: "No, thank you. Your daily rate is outrageous.", "I think a lot of people don't know" about coverage, says Don Bennett, owner of Sage Insurance in St. George. "That's the biggest problem. Every time someone rents a car, they're just not aware of what the coverage is."

Bennett says most people don't pay for the extra insurance and take the chance that they won't get into a wreck.

"It's much better to ask a few questions in advance and know where you stand should an accident occur," Bennett says.

The car rental agencies offer what's called a collision damage waiver. It covers damage to your rental car at rates from $15 to $25 every day. But it doesn't cover the damage to other cars, property — or, worse, people. And neither will your credit card.

That's why you should ask your insurance agent about whether the liability from your personal auto insurance will extend to your rental car. In most cases, it will.

"If you don't have comprehensive and collision coverage, the only coverage is property damage and bodily injury, through your negligence," Bennett said. "If you do have comprehensive and collision, that will extend as well."

But your deductible also extends to the rental car. If you have a $1,000 deductible on your personal car, that will also be the case with your rental. That's where your credit card comes in handy.

"Your credit card insurance would pick up that first thousand dollars in damage for you," Bennett said.

Here's another fee car rental agencies tack on after an accident: the "loss of use" fee. They'll zing you for every day the car was in the shop and they couldn't rent it out.

Now, the rental agency's own collision damage waiver covers that. But it's another question you should ask your insurance agent first.

"If your personal auto insurance doesn't pay loss of use or administrative fees, your credit card rental insurance may pay those," he said.

Discover Card does not, but Visa, Mastercard and American Express do. But here's the thing: The rental agencies have to show they didn't have other cars available to replace the damaged one. I know from experience they won't always tell you that, while tacking on the fee. They once told me it was standard practice in the industry. Here's another thing to consider: theft.

The collision damage waiver won't cover you if your rental car gets stolen, so see if your own auto insurance or credit card will cover that. If you are covered for theft, your policy might also say if you are careless with your own car or a rental, you're not covered.

"Like any personal vehicle, you want to lock the doors, take the keys out, that sort of thing, otherwise you run the risk of not having that coverage," Bennett said.

Here's another thing: If you wind up buying that car rental-offered overpriced insurance, you may actually be hurting yourself when it comes to credit card insurance. Bennett says credit card companies find out if you bought that rental insurance, and then the credit card won't have to pay.

If you do use your credit card and expect insurance coverage, the credit card must be the one issued to the primary renter of the car. If you rent a pick-up, SUV or luxury car, credit card insurance won't work — but still your personal insurance might.

best Term Life Insurance to option

best insurance stock - best type of life insurance to option : Search around the web for the best type of life insurance, and you’ll find lots of financial advisers who say, without hesitation, that term life insurance is best. While I generally agree and have term life insurance myself, the right answer for each individual is not always that easy.

The truth is that with life insurance, as with many financial products, “best” is a relative term. The question isn’t, “Which is best overall and for all time?” The question is, “which type of policy is best for me?”

The best life insurance is the one that suits your needs based on your current and predicted future financial situation.

Here, we’ll talk about the major types of life insurance – term, return-of-premium term and permanent – and look at the pros and cons of each. Then, you can decide which type of life insurance is best for you.
Term Life Insurance: Most Recommended Option

The American Council of Life Insurers says that term life insurance policies accounted for 3.7 million new policies totaling $1.1 trillion in face value in 2011. That’s nearly three-quarters of the face value of all individual life insurance policies issued in 2011.

That’s not surprising, given that most financial professionals (at least the ones who don’t get hefty commissions from selling permanent life insurance) say term is best.

And, in many cases, term life insurance is the best option. With term life insurance, you pay a set monthly premium for a certain amount of life insurance coverage for a certain amount of time. You might get $500,000 of insurance for 20 years, or $2 million for 10 years, depending on your circumstances.

But the key to term life insurance is that it’s for a set term and that the payments don’t change. Here are some of the pros and cons of term life insurance:

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

7 Tips For Better Insurance!

Purchasing flood insurance is not something you want to rush,” notes David Beavers of the Water Damage Team. “To properly protect your investments you should take the time to properly prepare before purchasing flood insurance, as rates limits and coverage alter drastically between insurance companies. To help you prepare for your search, please enjoy the following list of tips for finding the right flood insurance.”

1. Assess your Home’s Risk
A nation wide insurance company stated that one third of the flood claims they get come from homes not in a flood prone area. It’s important to consider your real risk for a flood of any kind, and how high if a risk it is. Depending on your homes propensity to flood, the policy you choose should adjust to it accordingly. You can go to the governments flood site, FloodSmart.com, to get a better idea of your homes risk for flooding as well as some estimates for price ranges you should be expecting.

2. Don’t Wait
It takes awhile to finalize the process of getting flood insurance, and if a flood occurs during that process it’s not likely that you will receive coverage. If you are considering this type of insurance, then make sure you plan to purchase it well before flood or even rain season. Unfortunately, the majority of homes in Louisiana had no flood insurance during hurricane Katrina, and government handouts only go so far.

3. Educate Yourself on Limits
Before signing anything, make sure you know your home well and they type of flood damage it could incur. Then carefully evaluate your flood insurance proposal and make sure you are fully covered for any and every area of concern. While some insurance companies have limits to the amount they’ll refund you for damages, some will cover your home and it’s possessions to the full extent. Do not be afraid to ask questions, express concerns, or criticize rates and limits. This is your home, life, and family you’re dealing with so it’s okay to be a little pushy to make sure you’re getting what you want when you pay for it.

4. Ask About Rate Increases
No one wants to think about their rates increasing in the future when they’re first taking on a new bill, but it is important to remember that your flood insurance rates could very likely rise and you will be expected to pay the difference. Luckily, now that you know this you can take a look at rate limits for each insurance company you consider, and factor them in.

5. Preparation is Key
The more knowledgeable and prepared you are when choosing flood insurance, the more likely you are to make the perfect choice for you. Before going in to question agents, make a list of things you’d like to ask and know. It’s easy to get flustered and forget important things when you’re talking to a smooth talking insurance agent who knows how to make a sale. Know what exactly you’d like protected from a potential flood (just the home, or all possessions or vehicles as well?) and what your budget is. Look online before going out to et a good idea for insurance rates for your area.

6. Ask Neighbors
Don’t be shy to ask neighbors and friends living nearby if they have flood insurance and which company they purchased it from. Make sure to ask multiple questions from overall satisfaction, to reliability and rates. The best reviews are from the customers themselves as opposed to the company trying to sell their stuff.

7. Do Not Rely on Handouts
Although it’s true people living in high-risk areas have the right to government aid in a natural disaster, they aid is very limited. Very limited. If you live in one of theses areas and thus think you don’t need insurance, know that you’ll receive some help but you may lose your home and possessions in the process, as the government is not likely to replace them.

The Water Damage Team is a nation wide disaster restoration company, with years of experience in water removal and water drying. As well as storm damage clean up, contaminated water removal, structural drying, debris removal and mold remediation.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

How to : Save money on Car Insurance

Auto insurance is essential by all licensed people but many don't learn how to find the very best rates obtainable. Being complacent and purchasing insurance without thoroughly investigating your options or maintaining a similar car insurance for the remainder of your life could mean that you will be paying too much for your car or truck insurance. Comparability shopping, ensuring that you will be receiving each of the discounts you qualify for and keeping a clean record are just some of the dollars saving ideas that could save you a bundle on insurance.

Comparison buying car insurance, even when you finally are previously insured, cannot be underestimated. It is crucial that people investigate all your options ahead of choosing an insurance provider to ensure you are receiving the best possible rate on your car insurance. There are so many factors regarded in insurance policies including where you live, your record, your get older and the kind of car people drive only to name a number of. With these types of factors to contemplate, it is incredibly possible that might be that there is a car insurance provider who offer a considerably lower price than other providers.

Even once you've secured insurance for the car, it is wise to periodically check the actual rates of which other providers offer. Car insurance plus your circumstances usually are perpetually changing and you may find that this provider that is willing to present you the very best car insurance rate differs periodically. Many insurance providers present you with a host associated with discounts on their clients who qualify for these discount rates. These discount rates can connect with your record, safety highlights of your car, your get older or other factors.

These discounts may result in a tremendous benefits on your car insurance policy but while insurance companies offer these types of discounts, they don't always advertise them. This means that you will find to carry out research to determine what type of discounts you might qualify for. Carefully, review your car insurance policy to ascertain which discounts you are already receiving after which contact your car or truck insurance provider must other discounts that could be available. One example is if your record is without requiring accidents or perhaps tickets, you might qualify for the good motorist discount.

Likewise, if your car or truck has particular safety features including daytime working lights, you can even qualify for insurance discounts. Your real age can likewise qualify you without a doubt car insurance discounts. Some insurers also offer you discounts to those who insure their house with a similar company while they insure their car. Enjoying this form of discount could save you money in both your car or truck and household insurance. Knowing the discounts that you can get and ensuring that you will be receiving these types of discounts, can save a lot of money on your car insurance.

Finally, maintaining some sort of clean record is critical to receiving the very best available insurance rate. As it is true that every car insurance provider is unique inside factors that bring about lower prices, the 1 factor which is consistent amongst all companies of insurance is a clean record is critical in your rate. Although accidents are often unavoidable, it is actually imperative you adhere to all or any traffic regulations knowning that you get safely continually. This will certainly reduce how many traffic violations you incur as well as the number associated with accidents you cause. Following the following pointers will assist you to maintain some sort of clean record that could keep the money necessary for your insurance low.

Many people lament having to pay their monthly insurance bill because they feel that the insurance isn't necessary. Although insurance is some sort of financial impediment that appears superfluous, it does settle if you are ever in a serious car accident that possesses significant personal ramifications. For this reason, you must not consider allowing your car or truck insurance in order to lapse and it's recommended you search diligently to get the best obtainable rate on your car insurance.

best life insurance policy to buy

best life insurance policy to buy : Choosing the best life insurance for your situation can be daunting.  With so much conflicting information, this article will go over the differences so that you will be better informed and can choose the right policy.

Many people avoid investing in life insurance simply because they imagine the costs as being too high for their budgets. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of insurance policies available for every set of needs and budgets. A lot of companies will give you an instant term life insurance quote on their website for free. Insurance providers provide death benefit payouts ranging from as little as a few thousand dollars all the way up to a few million. Most providers offer more affordable term life insurance policies—term policies have low premiums and payout death benefits for the duration of a specific period.

If cheap life insurance with low premiums isn’t a priority, the majority of life insurance providers feature coverage plans that accumulate cash value over the life of the policy. With global, universal and whole insurance it is possible to configure lucrative benefits packages that payout death benefits and can be cashed out or borrowed against like equity.

What to Look for in a Life Insurance Policy

Policy Benefits
All insurance policies are different. We evaluated insurance providers largely on the variety and flexibility of the life insurance policies they offer. From five year term life insurance to variable universal policies, our leading picks for life insurance providers provide comprehensive coverage for every set of needs.

Pricing and Premiums
Premium payments are going to be different with different providers depending on risk factors such as your health, lifestyle, age and occupation. In general, insurance providers receiving a high score on our site gave more lucrative term life insurance rates than competitors regardless of age or lifestyle.

Additional Services
Life insurance is a must, but there are many other services we expect to see available in addition to, or as an alternative to, life insurance. Annuities, retirement planning, estate planning, mutual funds and plans tailored for small business are services we expect from the best providers.

Customer Support
Red tape and poor customer service are the last things a grieving family member wants to deal with. Our top picks for life insurance provider boast excellent customer service, approach claims in a timely and professional manner and go out of their way to meet customer expectations.

The Best Life Insurance Policies ?

Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is typically the best policy for most Americans since it allows you to have the most amount of coverage for the lowest price.  Some of the most outspoken advocates for term life are the popular financial advisors you see on TV; Susie Orman, Dave Rasmey and Clark Howard.  The strategy with term life insurance is to buy term and invest the rest yourself.  Most people have their major obligations for a certain period of time 10-30 years.  After a certain period of time, usually the mortgage is paid down or paid off, the children are grown and your future income won’t need to be protected in the same capacity as it does today.  Term life insurance will be the best solution if this describes your situation.

Term life insurance lasts for a designated period of time.  The term period for most companies range from 10, 15, 20, and 30 years and the rates do not change during this time.  Also, there is no penalty for cancelling the policy early.

Whole Life-Universal Life
Whole life insurance is a policy that remains in effect for the policy holder’s entire life. Generally speaking, the policy will remain active as long as the owner continues to pay the policy premiums.  Due to the cost, this type of policy is more optimal for estate planning and for other instances where permanent coverage is needed.

No-Exam Life Insurance
Life insurance that does not require a health exam is going to cost you a lot more than if you did the exam.  This type of policy is ideal for someone who doesn’t have the time to do the medical exam and doesn’t mind paying the extra premiums.  These clients typically need a policy in a hurry to cover a divorcee decree or they may be worried about doing the physical.  Also, do not mistake no-exam life insurance for no-underwriting.  The underwriting on a no-exam policy is very strict and not as favorable as if you did the health exam.

Accidental Death
Accidental death policies only pay out the death benefit you if you die as result of an accident. Typical classifications of accidents include but are not limited to: auto accidents, poisonings, falls, fires and chocking. Deaths from natural causes such as heart disease, cancer and old age are not covered under an accidental death policy.  This type of policy is good if you are traveling, have a dangerous occupation, and have medical problems that will exclude you from getting traditional life insurance.  It’s typically cheaper than term life since the policy only covers accidental deaths.

Wrap Up
Since life insurance is going to be one of the most important financial purchases you ever make to protect your loved ones, choosing the right policy is paramount.  Don’t let an overzealous agent talk you into buying a policy that you don’t need just so he can receive a larger commission.  Work with an experienced agent that will have you and your family’s best interest at heart.

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Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

California Online Health Insurance for Small Businesses and Individuals

California Online Health Insurance for Small Businesses and Individuals : The new online marketplace where Californians will soon be able to buy health insurance is also building a program for small businesses.

Employers with fewer than 50 workers will have the option of joining the "Small Business Options Program," or SHOP, starting in 2014. Michael Lujan is helping to create the program - he says it will help small employers offer what big companies can.

He says small businesses will have a choice next year: They're not required to offer health benefits, but if they do through SHOP, there will be less paperwork and more health benefit choices.Health Insurance for Small Businesses in california

"Employers in order to prepare for this, I think need to do a bit of a check to see what's important to them," Lujan said. "What do they want to offer? What are they missing in the marketplace today? And they may find that the technology, tools, the employee choice and maybe even the tax credits might be very compelling for the SHOP."

Health Insurance for Small Businesses in california, Lujan estimates as many as 90,000 Californians who work for small businesses may be part of the SHOP next year. He says some employers will be eligible for a tax credit of up to 50% for the employee health premiums they pay.

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Aspen Insurance stock outlook 2013

Best Insurance stock - Aspen Insurance stock outlook 2013 : Aspen Insurance has been witnessing rising earnings estimates on the back of strong fourth-quarter 2012 results. Moreover, this property and casualty insurer delivered positive earnings surprises in all four quarters of 2012 with an average beat of 54.3%.

Additionally, Aspen Insurance and Goldman, Sachs & Co. ( GS - Analyst Report ) entered into an Accelerated Share Repurchase agreement whereby Aspen will pay $150 million to Goldman in exchange of its shares. Further, from Jan 1, 2013 through Feb 26, 2013, Aspen bought back $47 million shares. Aspen is left with $335 million under its $500 million share repurchase authorization.

Following a through review of businesses, management decided to lower its wind and earthquake exposure within the U.S. property insurance account. This would free up more than $200 million of capital that could be deployed to maximize shareholder value.

Aspen Insurance expects to generate operating return on equity of 10% in 2014. It delivered 8.5% in return on equity in 2012.

Aspen Insurance reported its fourth-quarter results on Feb 7. Non-GAAP loss per share came in at 15 cents, better than the Zack Consensus Estimate of a loss of $1.21 per share.

Gross written premiums improved 25.6% year over year to $576.2 million in the fourth quarter. A surge of 40.2% in gross written premiums at the Insurance segment fueled the improvement.

Combined ratio improved 1710 basis points year over year to 107.1% in the fourth quarter.

The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2013 increased 6.8% to $2.97 per share as 3 of 6 estimates were revised higher over the last 60 days. Also for 2014, 3 of 6 estimates moved up, pushing the Zacks Consensus Estimate higher by 7.6% to $3.13 over the same time frame.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

How To Get Cheap Rates On Auto Insurance

You have been unsuccessful so far in finding solid and reliable information about auto insurance. You have found the right resource no matter if you are a veteran on the subject or someone who is just getting started. In this article you will find multiple tips and information to help you along your way.

If you are putting less than 20% down on your car, make sure to look into getting GAP car insurance. Should you have an accident while you are still in the first year or two of payments, you may end up owing the bank more money than you would receive in a claim.

If you are insuring a new vehicle with a lien, consider purchasing replacement cost coverage on the vehicle. While standard coverage protects you from expenses related to accidents, it may not fully cover the amount of the lien on your vehicle. Instead, if you have a new vehicle with a lien that is totaled in an accident, you may find yourself several thousand dollars short of replacing the vehicle with standard coverage.

When it comes time to renew your auto insurance policy, be aware of how your carrier handles renewals. In most cases, you receive a renewal package in the mail with your new policy and rates. Review this information carefully, and question any increases in premium with your agent or a company representative. In most cases, once you submit a payment on the new policy, you have renewed your coverage.

If you have an older car that does not have a high value, remove the collision coverage from your insurance to save money. It is possible that your car is worth less than your deductible, so consider carefully whether or not collision coverage is actually going to pay anything in the event of an accident.

If you do not drive that many miles each year, look into the low-mileage insurance for your car. If you put less than 12,000 miles on your car each year and do not have the low-mileage insurance, you may be losing out on a good bit of extra money each month.

Always make sure you know what's on your driving record. Your driving record is what determines the cost of your car insurance. It is important to know what is on your record and when tickets and accidents have fallen off. Get quotes when this happens, and your insurance will be much cheaper.

When you get a quote for your auto insurance don't overvalue your vehicle. This will only cause your rates to be higher and cost you more money in the long run. In the case of an accident, you will only be paid for the market value of your car anyway.

In conclusion, there is a lot to learn about auto insurance, and hopefully you were able to follow without any issue. Just follow the information that was provided and you should either be able to further solidify what you already know or apply it in a way that you had never considered before.

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Finding The Best Deals On Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is one of the most important tools any driver can have. Auto insurance protects drivers in the case of auto collisions by providing them with coverage for medical bills and car costs. However, before purchasing auto insurance, there are some things you should know. Read the following article for advice on auto insurance.

Call your auto insurance company and ask for a comprehensive list of all of the discounts they offer. Go down the list and determine if you are getting as many of them as you can. For example, you might be able to save a significant amount by taking a free defensive driving course or by reporting a co-habiting partner.

Do not settle for the first auto insurance company that you find. You may be missing out on special discounts or rewards. For instance, some insurance companies offer discounted premiums for accident-free drivers, or for people of certain professions. Some even give discounts to college students who maintain good grades.

Scrap rebates for instant promotions to grab more customers. Rebates are a hassle for both you and your customer, so avoid the process in between and offer your customer the discount up front. You will earn your customer's loyalty quicker and ensure that they purchase from you in the future.

Don't pick an insurance just because it is cheaper. Each insurance company provides different types of plans with varying levels of coverage. One company may offer a plan for $100 less, but it may just have liability coverage. Most states require protection against damage to another person's car, but not for your own.

Make sure you update your auto insurance policy if you get married, divorced or otherwise change your family situation. In many cases, your auto insurance price may change. Saving money is important in today's economy so you do not want to pay more than you have to, or keep your ex-spouse on your policy.

If you don't commute and just use your car to run errands and take care of minor business, you may be able to get a "pleasure driving" rate, which is much less than the rate you would pay if you were commuting to work every day. The reason for this is that you are less likely to have an accident if you don't drive very much!

When you are shopping for car insurance be sure to calculate all of the costs before taking the policy. You may be paying higher premiums for less coverage if you do not take the time to find out exactly what it is that you are paying for. Keep the deductibles in mind as you are calculating the cost.

When considering auto insurance for a young driver, keep in mind the type of car in relation to the type of insurance you are buying. If the car itself is not worth that much money, pay special attention to the extras on the claim, as well as the deductible amount. Most providers will work with you, based on your choices.

In conclusion, auto insurance is an important tool for all drivers. It protects drivers in auto accidents by covering costs. There are many things to remember when purchasing auto insurance, and if you remember the advice in the article above, then you should be able to select auto insurance that will protect you.

Life Insurance for Tradies

When you think about dangerous occupations, tradies don’t exactly spring to mind.
But according to Safework Australia, labourers and related workers had the highest incidence rates of work-related injury – nearly three times the rate of all occupations 1.
Add in the likelihood of diseases like cancer, many tradies are playing a dangerous game without life insurance and are risking their most important tool of the trade.
Workers’ Compensation can provide some cover for workers. But it can be a long wait for benefits and it doesn’t cover things that aren’t work-related, like cancer and heart disease – which can often be even more devastating financially for a family.
That’s where life insurance can fill the void.
What is life insurance?
Life insurance encompasses a number of different types of insurance covers, including life cover, income protection cover, total and permanent disability (TPD) cover, and trauma cover.
Life cover pays a lump sum if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness. The lump sum can be used to meet final expenses, pay off the family mortgage so that your family isn’t left without a home, fund future child education fees and set aside money to meet your family’s ongoing living needs.
Income protection cover pays up to 80% of your income if you can’t work because of sickness or injury. This money is essential in helping to meet your ongoing living needs, including meeting your mortgage repayments, when you are ill.
TPD cover pays a lump sum if you are totally and permanently disabled. The payout provides a funding mechanism to repay debts, pay medical bills and modifications to your home and motor vehicle as well as meet lifetime living costs.
Trauma cover pays a lump sum if you are seriously injured in an accident, or if you are diagnosed with one of a number of serious medical conditions, like cancer and heart attack. The proceeds can be used to meet medical treatment costs as well as provide financial support in a time where a spouse may wish to take time off work to nurture their ill partner.
If you run a business, you can also take out business expense insurance – helping you cover fixed business costs like rent, electricity and some employee salaries (often excludes income producing employees).
With so many different types of life insurance available, it’s important to discuss your own insurance needs with a financial adviser.
How much does life insurance cost?
Premiums vary depending on the product and a range other factors.
There are also a number of tax concessions associated with life insurance.
For starters, you may be able to hold your life and TPD insurance cover inside super. This means you can use your pre-tax salary to pay your premiums.
Another benefit specific to income protection and business expense insurance is that the premiums are generally tax deductible.
1 “Key Work Health and Safety Statistics Australia, 2010”
Safework Australia
As this information has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and speak to your financial adviser.
This material is not intended to constitute personal advice, and must not be relied on as such. This information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial circumstances or needs. Before making a decision based on this material, you should consider the appropriateness of this material having regard to your own objectives financial circumstances and needs. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any decision.

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Learn More About Auto Insurance And How It Works

Auto insurance is a legal requirement if you wish to operate a vehicle. While some policies may seem expensive, picking the kind of coverage you need and considering your budget can help you pick something affordable. Read this article for tips on how to choose the right auto insurance policy.

When you are shopping for auto insurance, it is always a good idea to get at least three quotes before you make a decision. By doing so, you ensure that you have found the best deal for you. Compare rates and what each company has to offer such as roadside assistance.

You can also get some substantial discounts on your auto insurance policy premium if you have an "insurance friendly occupation". Insurance companies watch occupation statistics very closely and if they know that workers in certain occupations tend to incur fewer losses, then they might be inclined to offer a special rate for them.

Purchasing a smaller vehicle is actually a great way to save on automobile insurance. Larger SUVs might have some great safety features, but if we're talking about all-around savings, the smaller your automobile, the less you're ultimately, going to pay for insurance.

Whenever possible, avoid filing and submitting minor claims to your vehicle insurance provider. Unfortunately, increased reliance upon insurance services directly translates to significant increases in monthly rates. Consider filing claims only if you are unable to cover the cost of repairs, and if failure to have repairs creates an unsafe driving condition.

If you are shopping for auto insurance, check around. Compare rates and coverage options available to you. Be sure you have your vehicle information, your driving record if you've had accidents or tickets, as well as what you use your car for and how many miles you drive. All of these are factors to finding the right insurance for the right price.

If you are purchasing car insurance on a new vehicle on which there will be a lien, you should be aware that you must, by law, have full coverage. In this case, you may even want to reconsider your new car purchase because full coverage is significantly more expensive than liability alone.

Auto insurance companies take into consideration what type of vehicle you are want to insure. By watching trends and their own experience, a company may decide to charge you a higher premium. You need to know that sport cars and luxury SUV's usually have the most expensive premiums.

Choosing the right insurance agency is key to getting the best deal in auto insurance. You will want to call around and compare rates for all auto insurance agencies where you live or even online. They also have tools online where you can compare rates to find the best for you.

If you get into a car crash or other accident, it is too late to use insurance to cover costs to repair your vehicle. To avoid the illegal practice of driving without insurance, check out multiple policies and pick one you can afford. Remember these tips when looking for auto insurance.

Make The Most Out Of Your Auto Insurance Policy With These Tips

Whether you are new to the insurance world, wanting to combine your policies or shopping for better rates or coverage, you probably have some questions. Here you will find lots of helpful information that will make it fast and easy to learn more about the often, confusing world of auto insurance.

Not every part of growing old is pain: Once you reach 50, you are entitled to a discount on your car insurance. Insurance companies are well-aware that senior drivers are, statistically, the safest on the road. Almost every insurer offers discounts for drivers between the ages of 50 and 70. If you are in this bracket, make sure you get the discount due to you.

Make sure that you take unnecessary drivers off of your automobile insurance policy. If there is someone on your policy that does not drive one of your vehicles any more, let your insurance company know right away. This change will reduce the amount of money you pay in insurance rates each month.

If you are looking to save money with auto insurance, you should think about going down to one car. Ask yourself if you really need two cars. Can you share with your husband or wife? Can you walk places you normally drive? You can save a lot of money this way.

Find ways to reduce your daily commute. See if you can carpool, drop one car altogether, or switch jobs to one that is closer to home. Can you do some of your job duties from your home office? The fewer miles you drive, the less you will need to pay in car insurance.

Increasing your automobile insurance deductibles can end up saving you considerable amounts of money. Chances are that in the long run, you'll end up saving more per month by having a higher deductible than you'll save by having a low deductible when it comes time to make a claim.

Learn what the best auto policy is for you by researching on your own. Don't expect the insurance company employee to tell you. An employee can help guide you through policies, but might not have in mind what is best for you. Depending on what type of commission plan an agent receives, the employee may be steering you toward policies that are in the best interest of the employee's paycheck.

As expensive as adding your teen driver to your auto insurance policy can be, it may be worth it in the long run, as it will help him or her to begin building up a good credit report. If they maintain a safe driving record, this history of insured good driving will give them a better rate when they reach adulthood and are purchasing car insurance of their own.

The information you have read, should give you the confidence so that you will be able to go out and make the right choice for your auto insurance needs. Now you should better be able to understand coverage, find affordable rates, keep your family safe and be prepared for any losses that may occur.

Need To Purchase Auto Insurance? Check Out These Ideas!

"˜Piece of mind' is the thought behind insurance. Sometimes it goes beyond that. The law may require a certain amount of coverage to avoid penalties. This is true of auto insurance. How can you make a wise decision regarding car insurance? Read the following article for some handy tips to do just that!

Decide whether or not it is worth it to make a claim. If your deductible is not much less than the amount of damage to your car, it probably isn't worth it to make a claim with your insurance company. What you will recoup probably isn't worth the increase in premiums that you will experience.

Do not forgo getting an auto insurance policy if you have a car. Yes, it is more insurance that you have to buy. Yes, it costs money. Yes, you have to shop around and research different companies and policies, but this work can save you lots of money and even your car.

Whenever possible, include your spouse on your automobile policy as a named insured driver. It is quite common for insurers to view married couples as more stable and a better risk than single drivers. Therefore, you are likely to receive a healthy discount on a policy that covers both husband and wife.

To protect your auto insurance rate after an accident or ticket that you are contesting, be sure to notify your insurance provider that you are going to contest the ticket(s) in court. Because insurance providers often increase rates as soon as they learn of an infraction, it is up to you you to notify them if a ticket is later reversed.

When working with insurance companies over the telephone to receive quotes, keep your driver's license information, vehicle information and current policy handy. Many companies require information from these sources to provide an accurate quote and having them handy speeds the process up for you and ensures you are providing accurate information to the insurance carrier.

Every state has minimum requirements each driver must meet for liability insurance. Most people sign up for this minimum coverage, usually to save money. This may not be the best idea, depending on the state in which you live. Some states set their minimum requirements too low, and if you were to actually cause an accident you might find yourself under insured, which puts your home, savings and other assets in jeopardy. Review your coverage and make sure you buy enough liability insurance to protect your family and your assets.

A lot of people have speeding and parking tickets that they're not even aware of until they attempt to get a new auto insurance policy. To avoid this money trap, be sure to check with your local state office to receive a copy of your full driving record. This will let you know if there are any unpaid tickets you need to handle.

Now that you have read the above article, apply the tips that work best in your situation. Understandably, a wise decision regarding auto insurance is not as ease as it may seem. Do your homework! It will be worth the effort. Not only will you have "˜piece of mind' you will also be doing what the law requires. Good for you!

Save Money On Car Insurance By Following This Great Advice

You want information about auto insurance and you would like to have it in a easy to understand format. If this is the case, this article will be perfect for you. We will lay out some of the most important tips and guidelines in a way that you can quickly digest.

If you must travel by car for business, try not to use your personal vehicle. Most auto insurers will charge an additional fee on top of your premium for business use. However, do make sure you tell your insurance company if your car is used for business, so that you are covered in case of an accident.

Find out if you can get a discount on your car insurance rates if you have not made any claims during the last 3 years. Some insurance companies will give you a special discount because you are believed to be less of a risk, due to no recent insurance claims.

Look for multi-car discounts where ever you can get them. If your teen just started driving, you will save money by putting their car on your policy. Newly married? Get quotes from each insurer for a new combined policy and go with the best company that gives you the best features for your money.

With auto insurance, the lower your deductible rate is, the more you have to pay out of pocket when you get into an accident. A great way to save money on your auto insurance is to opt to pay a higher deductible rate. This means the insurance company has to pay out less when you're involved in an accident, and thus your monthly premiums will go down.

An important auto insurance tip is to always review your driving record prior to seeking price quotes on a new policy. By knowing how many tickets and points are on your state record at any given time, you will be able estimate the impact they are likely to have on the cost of your coverage.

Did you know that it isn't only your car that affects the price of your insurance? Insurance companies analyze the history of your car, yes, but they also run some checks on you, the driver! Price can be affected by many factors including gender, age, and even past driving incidents.

Trying to save money on car insurance? If you are, then a good way to lower your premiums is to increase your car insurance deductible. However, don't raise the deductible so high that you wouldn't be able to pay the claim should one arise. To prepare for the unexpected, be sure to set money aside in a savings account and try not to use it for anything else.

In conclusion, we have provided you some of the most crucial aspects regarding auto insurance. We hope that you not only were able to learn something, but also will be able to apply it. Follow our advice and you will be one step closer to being an expert in this subject.

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Save Yourself Some Headaches With These Tips On Auto Insurance

Auto insurance will help pay your bills if you get into an accident. It will help pay for your car and also the other car involved if it was your fault that the accident happened. If the accident was not your fault, the other driver involved in the accident will have to have their insurance pay. You can see why it is so important to have auto insurance, and here are some tips to get you started picking the right policy.

If you own a small business requiring the use of company automobiles, vans, or trucks; business auto coverage is a must. Business auto insurance coverage can usually be added to a business insurance package made available by insurance companies. If you or your employers are driving company vehicles, it is critical that you are covered in case one of them gets into an accident.

Finding a good auto insurance policy is much easier than it used to be. There are so many great online references to use to learn about the different kinds of coverages that are required in your state. You can then use the internet to compare multiple companies' rates on the type of coverage that you need.

If you have memberships in any organizations, it would be to your advantage to ask your carrier if they offer discounts to members of these organizations. Doing so could help you save even more money on your insurance premiums. For example, some companies may offer discounts to state employees or members of auto clubs. It never hurts to ask!

Many auto insurance firms offer discounts for a wide variety of reasons. For example, many companies offer discounts for installing new safety and security features on your car. Looking into these types of discounts can definitely be doubly beneficial as they not only reduce the cost of your auto insurance but are also generally good for you regardless.

Your teenage driver's insurance will cost you much more than yours for a while, but if they took any formalized driving instruction, be sure to mention it when shopping for a quote or adding them to your policy. Discounts are frequently available for driving instruction, but you can get even bigger discounts if your teen took a defensive driving class or other specialized driving instruction course.

When endeavoring to lower the cost of your current auto insurance policy, try to decrease your commute as much as possible, if switching to just one car is not an option. You can also try working closer to home, or work at home as much as possible. Doing this will lower your policy.

With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father.

From the explanation of auto insurance given in this article, you can see why it is so important for everyone to have auto insurance, You have been given great advice about how to get auto insurance, and now it is time for you to put this information into action and purchase the coverage for your needs.

Know What Car Insurance Information That You Should Know

Insuring your automobile can be a complicated and frustrating matter. There are so many confusing options and scenarios to consider that you really need some guidance in finding the right coverage for your vehicle and your needs. Read on for some great ideas on how to go about navigating your way through the red tape and paperwork and finding the best auto insurance for you!

Be sure to understand the terminology used in your car insurance policy. Even when you talk to your agent, he will be talking about things like comprehensive, collision, and liability. Make sure that you understand what is meant by all of this, this way you will be able to ask all the questions you may have and understand the answers that you will be getting.

If you drive a newer model vehicle, be sure to review the policy details closely to see how the company handles repairs in the case of a claim. Some companies include verbiage indicating that after-market parts may be used for repairs. If you have a newer vehicle and want to ensure factory parts are used in repairs, you may want to consider a different carrier.

If you are aiming to lower your auto insurance premiums, then a basic tip is to avoid any accidents from occurring! Yes, this is pretty obvious, but it does wonders for lowering your premiums. Some ways you can be a safer driver include: driving at or below the speed limit; stopping at stop signs; and using turn signals.

Stay far away from vehicles with the word "sport" included on them. Anything that goes fast is viewed negatively by insurance companies, as these can influence drivers to take more risks, which in turn costs them more money. Steer clear of sporty vehicles unless you want your premiums to get higher.

If you have a shiny new car, you won't want to drive around with the evidence of a fender bender. So your auto insurance on a new car should include collision insurance as well. That way, your car will stay looking good longer. However, do you really care about that fender bender if you're driving an old beater? Since states only require liability insurance, and since collision is expensive, once your car gets to the "I don't care that much how it looks, just how it drives" stage, drop the collision and your auto insurance payment will go down dramatically.

Saving money on auto insurance doesn't always happen as soon as you sign your policy. One of the best ways to save is to stick with the company for a few years while proving you are a safe driver. As your driving record remains unblemished, your monthly premiums will start to go down. You could save hundreds each year that you avoid an accident.

Hopefully this article has provided you with some useful tips you can take into the process of obtaining auto insurance and come out on top. With so many variables and types of coverage, it's a wonder any of us ever find ourselves the right insurance, but with a little investigating and the helpful advice you have read here, you can get the best cover at the right price.

Helpful Tips And Advice About Buying Car Insurance

There is so much information about auto insurance that people do not know. If you have a car, you need to have insurance for it. If you have insurance, there are helpful tips that you are going to need to help you get the most from your auto insurance policy.

Know the value of your car and get coverage accordingly. If your car is old, then it probably doesn't make sense to have full coverage on it, but you may want full coverage if you have a new car. Also, look into purchasing Gap insurance for the first couple years that you have a new, financed car that was purchased using less than twenty percent down.

As an automobile insurance customer, you should always be on the lookout for scams out there. With new insurance companies popping up every day, some of them make bold statements and promise to offer lower monthly premiums, but the coverage is cut-rate at best and is likely to drastically increase after you file a claim.

If you are driving into Canada or Mexico, many people don't realize that your American car insurance won't cover you in a foreign country. You will need to purchase auto insurance ahead of time online, or in the border town or city where you will be crossing over into either Canada or Mexico.

As you age, check with your auto insurance company about discounts. If you have a long history of safe driving habits, your age might qualify you for further rate reductions. Most insurance companies have a sweet spot around fifty five to seventy years of age for age-related discounts on their policies.

When talking with your agent about auto insurance coverage be sure to ask about discounts. Many insurance companies offer discounts for various things that could bring down the cost of your coverage. Some of the things that insurance companies offer discounts for are student discounts, anti-theft devices installed on the vehicle, low mileage, and good driving records.

Students are usually offered a lot of discounts when it comes to auto insurance. If you're a student looking to save money on a policy, check out resident student discounts. These discounts are for students who only use their vehicles during the weekends, holidays and summer months. You can save some big money with this discount.

If you're planning on buying a new car, choosing one that is less desirable to thieves will lower your insurance rate. Online, you can find lists of the cars reported stolen most often and it's likely that they are the same lists that your insurance company uses to calculate your premium. Use this information as part of your research into which car you should buy.

Use the tips and the information that you learned from this article to get the assurance that you are covered for anything that can happen on the road. They are going to be quite helpful when the time comes around to renew your auto insurance policy every six months or yearly.

Follow These Tips To Locate The Auto Insurance Policy That You Need

Auto insurance is something on which you can drive a hard bargain. It is very competitive. You can save a lot of money by finding the best quote. Here are some tips to help you on your way. Research will bring you to your destination: a good policy at a good price with a good agent.

If you really want to get the best deal in auto insurance, take good care of your car and keep it for a very long time! A well-cared for older car will serve you well, and your insurance rates will just keep going down. The more often you change cars, the more expense you can expect in everything from insurance, to payments and taxes.

Keep your vehicle secure with anti-theft devices and a garage if possible. Vehicles without either are at a higher risk of vandalism or theft. So reduce the insurance companies risk and your premium rates with approved alarms or anti-theft devices and a garage to house your vehicle when at home.

One great and underrated way to save on your monthly auto insurance premiums is to join an automobile club. Especially if you are driving a classic or rare vehicle, joining an auto club will allow you to join with a group discounted rate, ultimately saving you hundreds of dollars annually on your insurance premiums.

If you need to get work done on your car after an accident, make sure that you get multiple quotes from body shops. The insurance adjuster will have their own estimate, and you need to make sure that their estimate is comparable to the cost of actually getting the work that is needed done.

Sign up to get your auto insurance directly through the website of the insurance company of your choosing. Auto insurance is often cheaper when you apply online because it costs the company less to process your information that way. You may receive a discount of up to 10 percent by applying online.

Always receive quotes from multiple providers when seeking auto insurance. Even those providers you wouldn't consider at first could be offering the lowest rates. You never want to settle on any policy before comparing the price to others as there can be a great difference from one policy to the next.

Sometimes if all you are going to get is liability is insurance on your vehicle, your best bet is actually a hole in the wall place rather than a reputable company. These companies are so eager to get you in the door they offer astonish rates sometimes as low as thirty dollars monthly!

Make sure you have appropriate uninsured and underinsured auto coverage. The amount of motorists without insurance and underinsured motorist coverage is rising due to the economy. If you do not have adequate coverage, you may have to pay your repair bill or even your medical expenses after an accident when another motorist doesn't have adequate insurance. Even a minor accident could cost you thousands.

These tips have given you a lot to think about. If you drive, you have to have insurance. Your insurance policy can give you a sense of secure coverage. Also, as these tips have shown, a little research can give you this security at a good price, perhaps enabling you to save hundreds of dollars every year.

Great Advice To Become An Insured Driver

Don't let the myriad of auto insurance choices get you down. There are plenty of options available to you as far as company and policy choices go. It helps to be aware of what you want and to read up on different companies and their practices towards their customers. The numerous tips below can be a great help in your endeavor to find the perfect auto insurance for your car.

Do not automatically assume your rental car is covered if it is stolen or damaged in any way. Rental cars are often not covered under most auto insurance policies. If it is not covered, you can add coverage for about one or two dollars more per month to your premium.

Let your insurance agent know that you are interested in saving money on your insurance premium - perhaps you may be eligible for discounts that you didn't even know about. Many companies will offer discounts to seniors or to drivers who have a record of safe driving. See what you might be eligible for!

For your service to your country there is often times great benefits, one of them is auto insurance discounts. Practically every insurance company will offer good discounts to service men and women. So if you have been or are serving our country, do not forget to mention this to the person quoting you a policy.

Be sure to set your auto insurance payments up for payment every six months, not monthly. In most cases, insurance companies will charge a few dollars more for those individuals who pay their premiums monthly. It actually costs the company more in processing and administrative time, so go with the low-cost option and save your money.

When it comes to auto insurance and elderly drivers, it is important to consider checking for signs that they should not be driving any more. Something that could adversely affect anyone's driving, is the medications they use. This is important because some medications may not be suitable for operating a vehicle and this could lead to them hurting themselves or someone else. They will then end up with increased rates or even, losing their insurance altogether.

Not only is auto insurance mandatory, but valuable. Purchasing insurance for your vehicle is a daunting task, as there are lots of options to explore. You want to shop around, perhaps by calling around using the listings in your phone book or by using the internet. Once you find a comfortable price and coverage plan for your automobile then you can be sure if you are in an accident or pulled over by the police you're protected.

As unpleasant as it is to think about, there are people out there who will stage accidents. In the unfortunate event that you are involved in an accident, make sure that you always call the police to the scene and take plenty of pictures of the accident for documentation purposes.

Choices are endless and companies numerous when it comes to auto insurance. Get ahead of the game by doing your homework and knowing what it is that you want to get out of your coverage. Apply the tips from the article above for a worry free way to choose an insurance policy and company.

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

LIC insurance behemoth bought 46%shares of RCF

LIC  insurance behemoth bought 46% shares of RCF : Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) once again played the role of a white knight to rescue the share auction of Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) by the government.
The insurance behemoth bought 46%, or 31.63 million of the 69 million shares on offer of RCF during its offer for sale (OFS) last week.

This is not the first time LIC has bailed out a government disinvestment it had bought more than half of the bids in the ONGC and Hindustan Copper offering as well.

"We have not bailed out anyone. We have examined this (RCF) issue by its own strength and then taken a decision to participate. We will examine the future issues in a similar manner and then take a call,” D K Mehrotra, chairman of LIC told Business Standard today.

However, an investment banker familiar with the development said LIC was 'asked to keep the powder dry' for the RCF offering. “As the share-sale was not even half covered an hour before the close of bids. LIC had to put in a large-ticket application,” he said requesting anonymity.

Post the OFS, LIC now holds 6.69% stake in RCF, compared to 0.96% earlier.

Shares of RCF today closed at Rs 43.1, about 4% below their OFS price of about Rs 45 per share.

Investments made by LIC
are typically for the long term but the mark-to-market losses on LIC's investments in RCF share auction stand at Rs 6.2 crore.

The government had raised about Rs 310 crore by divesting its 12.5% holdings in RCF through the OFS route on March 8.The 69 million share auction was subscribed 1.3 times and bulk of the bids had come at a price of Rs 45.02 per share as against the minimum offer price of Rs 45 per share.

Last year, the state-owned insurance major had bought about 377 million shares (88%) of the 427 million shares that were on offer during the ONGC share-auction, which was part of last year's disinvestment programme.

Earlier this year too during the Hindustan Copper OFS, LIC had to pick up 22.5 million shares, more than half the total 51.6 million shares auctioned.

RBS Direct Line Insurance stock down today

RBS Direct Line Insurance stock down today : The shares of Royal Bank of Scotland  (LSE: RBS  ) (NYSE: RBS  )  slipped 1 pence to 305 pence during early London trade this morning after the bank announced late last night that it would sell more shares in Direct Line Insurance  (LSE: DLG  ) .

RBS confirmed it would offer 229.4 million shares -- equivalent to 15.3% of Direct Line's share capital -- to institutions via an 'accelerated bookbuild' process.

Direct Line's shares fell 4 pence, or 2%, to 206 pence during early trading, indicating RBS could raise about 470 million pounds from the disposal. The sale would take RBS's remaining stake in Direct Line to just below 50%.

RBS said the process could involve selling a further 22.9 million shares depending on sufficient institutional demand.

RBS is essentially a forced seller of Direct Line, having agreed to dispose of the insurer as part of the commitment made to the European Commission following the bank's taxpayer-funded bailout.

RBS sold 35% of Direct Line at 175 pence a share last year via a flotation and must sell the remainder before the end of 2014.

Within its annual results last month, Direct Line declared a maiden 8 pence per share dividend and implied the payout could have been 12 pence per share had the business operated separately from RBS throughout all of 2012.

Direct Line's results also showed underlying net earned premiums falling 5% to 3.7 billion pounds and underlying operating profits advancing 9% to 461 million pounds.

Based on those results, Direct Line is valued at less than 10 times profits and offers a possible 5.8% dividend income.

Of course, whether that 5.8% income, RBS's decision to sell more shares -- as well as the general outlook for the insurance industry -- actually combine to make Direct Line a buy remains your decision.

However, if you already own Direct Line shares and are looking for another dividend opportunity, this exclusive in-depth report reviews a solid income possibility within the FTSE 100.

Indeed, the blue chip in question offers a 5.7% income, might be worth 850 pence versus around 700 pence now -- and has just been declared the "Motley Fool's Top Income Stock For 2013!"